Thursday 19 July 2012

Power OFF!

Some experiences certainly strenghten you! Since we moved to Halls Gap on 23 March we have lived in many different circumstances with my latest one really testing me.
Living in a 2 bedroom cabin, with all belongings still packed in a shipping container, female hormones flowing through my body, 2 weeks of shool holidays, rain, a one hour conversation with Telstra, a kettle on the floor and a generator roaring in my ears.
You know what the worse thing was.... the only thing I really didnt cope with was not having the abilty to vacuum. So today, after all 3 buildings were demolished all lights turned on! HOORAH
But it is a sad discovery to see how dependent we've got on electricity and the luxury of modern days!
For now I am looking forward to new buildings arriving next week, I just might have to go online !!!! and buy some candles!
Sweet dreams,